Once your order has been placed, you will receive an email confirmation containing the details of your order. If you have not received the order confirmation email, please feel free to contact our customer support.
How do I know my order has been confirmed?
How do I cancel an order?
If you need to change or cancel your order, please contact us immediately within 24 hours of placing the order. Orders are processed within 1-2 days from the order date, so once the order has been packed and shipped it can't be cancelled or changed.
What currency are your prices listed in?
All prices are listed in Canadian Dollars.
Where are my items coming from?
The majority of our inventory comes from our suppliers based overseas (outside of North America); with a select few items coming from suppliers based in the United States. That being said, sometimes your order may come in different packages at different times.
Where do you ship to and how much does it cost?
We ship worldwide! Shipping costs will be generated at the time of checkout.
How long will it take for my order to be delivered?
We ship worldwide so delivery time would depend on the shipping address. Orders will be processed within 1-2 days from the order date and shipped the following day. Please note that we don't ship on weekends.
On average, delivery could take anywhere from 15-60 days; depending on the shipping address.
Please also note we are not responsible for delays caused by customs department in your country.
I ordered multiple items but I only received one/some of them. Why?
If you ordered multiple items, it is possible that some will be shipped in multiple packages since not all of our inventory is shipped from the same supplier/location. Please allow time for all of your items to arrive.
Will I be charged with customs fees and taxes?
Taxes, duties and customs fees may be charged once your order arrives at its final destination; which is determined by your local customs department. These charges will not be covered by simplyFit.
Please also note we are not responsible for delays caused by customs department in your country.
What is your return policy?
Feel free to contact us within 10 days from receiving your order if there is something wrong (defective product, incorrect order, damaged order etc.). We will review the case and if its approved, we will send further instructions. Please do not return anything before we review the case.
Please note that simplyFit reserves the right to deny any return request.
Am I eligible for a refund or return?
You’re not eligible for a return/refund for the following reasons:
- The order isn't cancelled or changed within 24 hours of placing the order
- The customer provided incorrect information (ordered wrong product, provided wrong shipping address, etc.)
- The product is not damaged or not defective
- The product is damaged because of use
If you have any questions about our refund policy, please feel free to contact us.